Visas and Passports

Peru is a basically free access country. Most countries in the Americas and Western Europe do not require a tourist visa to enter Peru, and the maximum length of stay granted by the authorities is 183 days (it cannot be extended). For a stay for a longer term with other objectives (business, study or work) it is necessary to previously apply for the corresponding visa in the respective Peruvian consulates.

To enter Peru it is an essential requirement to present the valid passport. Citizens of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela and Chile can enter with their national identification document.

How to get to Cusco


  • Domestic flights from Lima (1 h approx.)
  • Domestic flights from Arequipa (30 min approx.)

Land access road:

  • Lima – Arequipa – Cusco 1,650 km (26 hours by car approx.)
  • Lima – Nazca – Puquio – Abancay – Cusco: 1,131 km (20 hours by car approx.)
  • Puno – Cusco: 389 km (07 hours by car approx.)

Railroad Access:

  • Puno-Cusco: 384 km (10:30 am approx.)



Sanitary conditions in Peru are favorable, especially in cities. In recent years, the offer of health services has been modernized and increased; Both hospitals and clinics provide adequate care, but it is always advisable to have health insurance for your trip.

There are no mandatory vaccines for entry into Peru. If you want to visit the Amazon region of the country, the Ministry of Health recommends getting vaccinated against yellow fever.

The yellow fever vaccine must be administered at least ten days before the trip to be effective.

Altitude sickness

The city of Cusco is located at 3,400 meters above sea level. It is possible to feel some discomfort and dizziness due to the altitude, known in Peru as soroche. It is recommended to take a pill for dizziness 30 minutes before arriving in the city.

The first thing you have to do when you arrive in Cusco or Puno is to rest for at least a couple of hours so that your body gets used to it. You can take the opportunity to visit the sites in the city center first, avoiding activities that require physical effort. Therefore it is convenient to eat light foods the first few days. Coca tea or mate is undoubtedly a great ally right now.

The altitude of the city of Puno is 3,827 meters above sea level. It is possible to feel some discomfort and dizziness due to altitude sickness, known in Peru as soroche. It is recommended to take some pill for dizziness 30 minutes before.

For altitude sickness, rest for the first few days and particularly avoid physical exertion; Also take coca tea or pills. Hydrate properly, especially in high altitude areas and with bottled or properly treated water.


Climate in Cusco

In Cusco, the months of June and October, are the ideal ones to visit it since you will find a bright sun from very early.

In the month of November the rainy season begins, a period that lasts until the month of March, so we suggest, during these months, always carry a raincoat or umbrella with you.

What we recommend when traveling to Cusco (Machu Picchu) is to take the necessary protective measures against mosquito bites and sunrays: wear sunscreen, insect repellent, hats or caps and sunglasses.

Climate in Puno

In Puno, the climate of most locations is cold and semi-dry, with rains in summer and high atmospheric humidity.

The climate of the city of Puno is cold and dry, but since it is located on the shores of Lake Titicaca, the temperature hardly falls below 0 0C. In remote areas of the lake, and higher, the cold is very intense, especially at night.



Currency: The Sun (S /) is the official currency of Peru. There are banknotes with denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 soles. There are coins of 10, 20 and 50 cents, as well as 1, 2 and 5 soles. The US dollar is accepted in countless stores, restaurants, hotels and service stations. It is possible to change foreign currency in banks and exchange houses. The usual business hours of currency exchange establishments are Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. at 6:00 p.m. and on Saturdays until noon. It is possible to find ATMs in almost every city in the country and most are connected to the Plus (Visa) and Cirrus (Mastercard / Maestro), American Express and other networks. In them you can withdraw money in soles or US dollars, but the exchange rate is usually higher.


Tourist Ticket

The Cusco tourist ticket is one of the most important initiatives for the development of Cusco tourism. This ticket allows you to access almost all the attractions of this city through a single payment on different circuits.

Difference between Mountain Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu


  • Height: 3,082 m.a.s.l.
  • Walking distance: 2 km., Accessing approximately 300 m. vertical
  • Location: In front of Huayna Picchu and to the left of the Traditional Way.
  • Description of the Road: The road to the top of the Machu Picchu mountain is surrounded by abundant vegetation discarding varieties of wild orchids, the road is wider, allowing you to move more calmly.
  • Access: From the Machu Picchu Complex, go up to the viewpoint (Guardian’s House) continue to the detour indicated by a sign.
  • Entrance Ticket: Ticket Machu Picchu + Mountain.
  • Schedule: Schedule 1: 07:00 hrs. 08:00 hrs. – Schedule 2: 09:00 hrs. – 10:00 a.m.
  • Number of visitors: 800 spaces per day.
  • Walking Time: 3 hours and a half in total (round trip).
  • Degree of Difficulty: Moderate
  • What to wear: Non-slip shoes, sunscreen, repellent, head protection, rainwear (depending on the season).
  • Archaeological Attractions: Mountain Machu Picchu
  • Flora and fauna: For the climate and the landscape you will find variety of orchids, butterflies and birds.
  • Climate: The weather is hot and humid during the day and cool at night. Dry season: May – October / Rainy season: November to March.
  • Advantages: Machu Picchu Mountain higher than the Huayna Picchu, less steep path, panoramic view of the Inca City and Huayna Picchu.
  • Disadvantages: It has no archaeological remains.


  • Height: 2,693 m.a.s.l.
  • Walking distance: 2 km, not so steep road compared to the Huayna Picchu Mountain.
  • Location: North of Machu Picchu Mountain.
  • Description of the Path: The path is quite steep, in some sectors hand strings are needed to balance, by narrow paths next to chasms that induce vertigo. For a large part of the route you will cross steps built in rock, some sections are complemented by wooden stairs.
  • Access: From the Inca City of Machu Picchu, through the Sector de las Huayranas (Sacred Rock). Entrance through the Control Booth.
  • Entrance Ticket: Ticket Machu Picchu + Huayna Picchu.
  • Hours: First Group: 07:00 hrs. 08:00 hrs. – Second Group: 10:00 hrs. – 11:00 a.m.
  • Number of visitors: 400 per day, divided into two groups of 200.
  • Walking Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes of ascent and another as much of descent.
  • Degree of Difficulty: It is a steep mountain with cliffs and many steps (not recommended for those suffering from vertigo).
  • What to bring: Non-slip shoes, sunscreen, insect repellent, rainwear (depending on the season).
  • Archaeological Attractions: Andenerías, Temple of the Moon inside a cave with samples of niches, lintels and fine stonework.
  • Flora and fauna: Landscape of Ceja de Selva surrounded by lush vegetation, with an important habitat of birds, butterflies, insects, all belonging to a tropical landscape.
  • Climate: Warm and humid in the day, cool at night. Dry season: May – October / Rainy season: November to March.
  • Advantages: Panoramic view of the entire Inca City, roads, streets, squares and enclosures.
  • Disadvantages: Precipitation covered with vegetation, steep ascent, narrow road.
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